Study Skills





Age/Grade: Middle School

This course is best for middle school ages who need to learn the basics about how to study and be organized. If a high school student still needs basic organization and study skills, it will be helpful for them also. There will be minimal homework. It is mostly requiring the kids to put what they are learning into practice along with brief weekly summaries (1-3 sentences) of what they have accomplished or learned that week.


Course Outline:

  1. Getting Organized
  2. Learning Styles
  3. Taking Notes Part 1
  4. Taking Notes Part 2
  5. How to Study
  6. Time Management
  7. Study Skills Challenge




  • ability to read and upload Word/Open Office documents as well as an occasional picture
  • student planner (Any planner is sufficient.)
  • notebook with paper and dividers (What you are already using will likely work. The notebook is not specific for this class, but to help with organization of your other subjects.)
  • The student should be doing at least one other class in their regular schooling so that they have a class to practice their newly learned skills in.

